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Rating: 7.44 | Votes: 41

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Submitted by Unknown
you don't have to be a professional and start out great, sheer drive and determination can help you become what you want to be even when others have an advantage over you. Story of an older washed up boxer, who is a nobody, but given a shot at a title works hard using unorthodox training because he is too poor to afford "championship" training. Uses his determination to prove he can win over all the odds.

Submitted by: Johnny from Australia
I don'y know why people find this movie boring. When I first saw Rocky earlier this year I was really insprired. I then got the dvd box set for my birthday and they are all brilliant. Rocky 5 may have been a little bit dodgy but all the rest were awesome. My favourite was Rocky 3. These movies show us that nothing is impossible and that anything can be achieved if we work hard enough for it. Onece you see the movies you will realise that there is an 'Eye of the Tiger' in us all

Submitted by Unknown
This is the worst, most unrealistic movie ever made!!! I don't know how it became a series.

Submitted by: Bimbo from USA
This is the worst, most unrealistic movie of all-time!!! I don't know how it ever became a series.

Submitted by: TheNickel from NB, CANADA
I watched the Rocky movie anthology on VHS, when I was 12 years old, it was a week I will never forget. It motivated me to join Boxing and get in shape. I am 23 today still I'm still boxing love it more then ever and I am looking and joining the NAVY. When ever I have down days, I re-watch the series to remember why I am who I am, and I do what I do. And like any other film of inspiration this movie really teaches the concept that if you want it bad enough you can do it... we can all "eat lightning and crap thunder!"